Wine, Cheese, and Copyright

A little bit of this, a little bit of that... commentary on the new happenings going on in the world of entertainment, technology and copyright. Also with a touch of random happenings and akward moments.

18 October 2006

Another DRM Casualty

As Posted @

Chalk up another DRM victory for Hollywood.

The TiVo Series 3 HD was missing a valuable feature when it was recently released: TiVoToGo. This highly regarded attribute to the digital video recorder allowed users to transfer programs to other devices and PCs. The difficulties arose when TiVo decided to incorporate CableCARD technology into the DVR hardware. CableCARD allows the high definition device to act like an everyday cable box while taking advantage of digital cable’s subscription services like HBO and video-on-demand. However, with pressure from Hollywood, CableCARD’s licensor has required adequate digital rights management (DRM - Check the link for a quick definition) on the device before it will allow TiVo to use the TiVoToGo feature on the new DVRs. Simply, as the Electronic Frontier Foundation puts it, “DRM gives Hollywood and these service providers a veto over innovation.”

(Don't forget: circumventing DRM, even for a legal use, is a violation of the DMCA)

…all at the expense of consumers. Why can't we just make it easy so I can buy a DVD and play it on my computer, my iPod and my TV and no one comes after me for infringment?

For more about TiVoToGo, DRM, CableCARD and what you can do to help, check out the following article HERE.


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